Medication & Sharps Disposal Locations

Harm Reduction

Medication & Sharps Disposal Locations

Medications can be properly disposed of at any time at the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department and the Crawfordsville Police Department. Sharps can be properly disposed of at any time at the Crawfordsville Police Department and at the Montgomery County Health Department.


NaloxBox Locations

NaloxBox Locations Montgomery County has 6 NaloxBox locations that have free Narcan available. For more information, please contact


Why Vaping Is Dangerous For Teens

Teens are known for taking risks. The latest one: vaping, or the use of electronic cigarettes. And although teens might think it’s no big deal, vaping can seriously impact their health. This dangerous new trend is quickly hooking the next generation on nicotine. E-cigarettes – also called e-cigs, Juuls and vape pens – are battery-powered

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